Wired Earth

Wired Earth, LLC

  • 8 x 2 x 8cm Flower agate gets its name from the flower-like formations within the crystal's body. These crystals are volcanic rocks that are mainly composed of chalcedony and quartz. These crystals can vary in color; from pink to a dark grey/purple. Recently discovered in Madagascar, these crystals are believed to go back to 2000 BC. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 40-50mm Howlite was originally discovered in Canada by a geologist named Henry How which is where its name comes from. Howlite is formed in evaporate deposits with other borate and evaporate minerals. The outside of the mineral is not pleasant to the eye and is said to look like a head of cauliflower. However, when that is taken off, this beautiful mineral is found inside! This mineral is mainly found in Canada and the USA. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Pink opal is formed by bubbling water near volcanic ash. It dissolves the silica and forms in nodules from volcanic activity. Most specimens contain pink opal mixed with minerals such as rhyolite. These beautiful specimens are only found in Peru and Australia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Sodalite is a rare mineral formed inside igneous rocks crystalized as a result of sodium-rich magma. The blue color comes from the rock that Sodalite is formed in; nepheline syenite, trachyte, and phonolite. Although the sodalite-bearing rock is rare, it can most commonly be found in the US, Canada, and Africa. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Bloodstone is formed, like many other minerals, when molten rock rises to the Earth's surface and cools. Then as gasses escape and settle on the rock's surface, it leaves little pockets on the surface of the mineral. The green color in Bloodstone comes from Chlorite and Amphibole. The red spots are iron oxide deposits where the gasses rose. Most Bloodstone is found in India, Australia, Brazil, and Madagascar. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 8.5cm Tall Flower agate gets its name from the flower-like formations within the crystal's body. These crystals are volcanic rocks that are mainly composed of chalcedony and quartz. These crystals can vary in color; from pink to a dark grey/purple. Recently discovered in Madagascar, these crystals are believed to go back to 2000 BC. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Dream amethyst (also known as Chevron Amethyst) is a natural mineral formed when amethyst and white quartz fuse together while cooling down off after a volcanic eruption. The amethyst that fuses to the white quartz creates the chevron-like shapes in the crystals. The main areas Dream Amethyst can be found is Brazil, Namibia, and Morocco.   ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 7cm - 8cm Rose Quartz is an anhedral crystal. It is found in the cores of pegmatites and gets its color from microscopic inclusions of a pink variety of the mineral dumortierite . Rose Quartz is naturally a pink hue but can have more hues of grey/purple or red. This mineral can be found in many places including South Africa, Madagascar, and Brazil. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 11cm Tall Fluorite is composed of fluorine and calcium and is formed in hydrothermal veins in the Earth's crust. This mineral can be found in all colors of the rainbow with different hues. The different colors in Fluorite are caused by impurities within the mineral. The deeper colors are found in well-formed crystals. Fluorite was originally discovered in Illinois in 1842 but is no longer mined in the US. It can be found in China, South Africa, Mongolia, France, and Russia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 8cm Tall Amazonite is a type of feldspar that gets its name from the Amazon River. Geologists once thought the color came from the oxides that come off of copper. In recent studies, geologists suggest this stone gets its color from the lead and water contents that are found within its contents. Originally found in Brazil, these beautiful rocks can also be found in Madagascar. There have also been findings of this crystal in Colorado, United States. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar. The glitter-like sheen in this stone comes from inclusions that are most commonly hematite but can also be goethite, pyrite, or copper (rare). This beautiful stone is formed in molten lava and can be found in many places around the world such as Australia, Canada, China, Congo, India, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, the U.S. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 8.5cm - 9.5cm Tall Lapis lazuli forms near igneous interferances where limestone or marble has been altered by contact metamorphism or hydrothermal metamorphism. In these rocks, lazurite replaces portions of the host rock and often develops within certain bands or layers which can include other minerals such as pyrite and white calcite. Lapis Lazuli is mostly found in Afghanistan but can also be found in Chile, Russia, Canada, Argentina, Pakistan, and the US. Within the US, these stones can be found in Colorado, California, and Arizona. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***


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