Wired Earth

Wired Earth, LLC

  • 60mm Sodalite is a rare mineral formed inside igneous rocks crystalized as a result of sodium-rich magma. The blue color comes from the rock that Sodalite is formed in; nepheline syenite, trachyte, and phonolite. Although the sodalite-bearing rock is rare, it can most commonly be found in the US, Canada, and Africa. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 45mm Septarian concretions are concretions containing cavities or cracks, called septaria. The septaria are the calcite (yellow) filled cracks at the center of the rock, indicating where the center of the concretions have shrunk, possibly during dehydration during its transformative journey over a long period of time. Septarian can be found mostly in the Gulf of Mexico and Madagascar. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 55mm Septarian concretions are concretions containing cavities or cracks, called septaria. The septaria are the calcite (yellow) filled cracks at the center of the rock, indicating where the center of the concretions have shrunk, possibly during dehydration during its transformative journey over a long period of time. Septarian can be found mostly in the Gulf of Mexico and Madagascar. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 50mm - 60mm Selenite-also known as Satin Spar- is a chemical sedimentary mineral. Unlike carbonate rocks and siliceous rocks, this mineral comes from seawater that evaporates and leaves the chemical found in selenite behind. This beautiful mineral has a pearly, satin-like appearance and is a very soft mineral. These minerals can be found in Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and many other countries! ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 45mm Zoisite is a mineral that forms during the metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Anyolite is a very colorful rock composed mainly of zoisite. It is also known as "ruby in zoisite" because it is composed of green zoisite with bright red ruby. Rubies are corundum gems that are predominately red. The color can range from orangish red to purplish red. The most desirable color range is a pure vibrant red to a slightly purplish red. Ruby in Zoisite was discovered and is still only found in Tanzania ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 20mm Rose Quartz is an anhedral crystal. It is found in the cores of pegmatites and gets its color from microscopic inclusions of a pink variety of the mineral dumortierite . Rose Quartz is naturally a pink hue but can have more hues of grey/purple or red. This mineral Earth's can be found in many places including South Africa, Madagascar, and Brazil. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 55mm Rhodonite is a silicate mineral usually found in metamorphic rocks that are known to have other manganese minerals in them. The manganese is how Rhodonite gets its color. These beautiful minerals can be found in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and many other places. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 60mm Rhodonite is a silicate mineral usually found in metamorphic rocks that are known to have other manganese minerals in them. The manganese is how Rhodonite gets its color. These beautiful minerals can be found in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and many other places. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 50mm Fluorite is composed of fluorine and calcium and is formed in hydrothermal veins in the Earth's crust. This mineral can be found in all colors of the rainbow with different hues. The different colors in Fluorite are caused by impurities within the mineral. The deeper colors are found in well-formed crystals. Fluorite was originally discovered in Illinois in 1842 but is no longer mined in the US. It can be found in China, South Africa, Mongolia, France, and Russia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 60mm Moonstone is a potassium aluminum silicate feldspar. The peach variety ranges from a tan brown to a very light peach/pink. This range in color is caused by higher contents of aluminum within the feldspar’s chemical make-up. Most of Peach Moonstone comes from Madagascar, with a majority of the material being crafted by the local craftsmen/women. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 80mm Ocean jasper is a rare and colorful material exclusively from Madagascar. It is described as a variety of Orbicular Jasper due to its orb-like inclusions. Ocean jasper is a name for what is known to be a spherulitic chalcedony which is a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Cryptocrystalline is a term that means its crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 65mm Wide Moss agate is a semi-precious stone. It is a variety of Chalcedony and it formed from silicon dioxide. The field of this stone is a milky white or clear quartz with blue and green inclusions that form as a result of oxides in the mineral. The dendritic inclusions are mainly made from manganese or iron that grow into patterns to give it the moss look. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***


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