Wired Earth

Wired Earth, LLC

  • 3 x 1 x 3cm Ocean jasper is a rare and colorful material exclusively from Madagascar. It is described as a variety of Orbicular Jasper due to its orb-like inclusions. Ocean jasper is a name for what is known to be a spherulitic chalcedony which is a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Cryptocrystalline is a term that means its crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 4 x 1 x 5cm Carnelian is a part of the Chalcedony family. It is formed when two silica minerals with different crystal structures grow together such as quartz and moganite. The firey orange and red colors come from iron oxides in the mineral. Carnelian can be found in Brazil, India, and Uruguay. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***  
  • 4 x 1 x 5cm Aventurine is a part of the quartz family. This mineral ranges many colors; pink being the most rare of all the colors. This mineral is composed of quartz with many micro inclusions (such as mica) to create its beautiful appearance. The pink tone in it comes from the hematite in the mineral. This mineral is most commonly found in India but can also be found in Brazil, Austria, Canada, and Tanzania. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 4 x 1 x 5cm Hematite is a heavy and relatively hard oxide mineral. It is made of ferric oxide. It constitutes the most important iron ore because of its high iron content (approximately 70 percent) and its abundance. Its name comes from its Greek meaning, "blood". Hematite is unusual in that its macrocrystalline forms are incongruent, while its particulate forms are congruent. When it is formed congruently, it has a red color to it and when formed incongruently, it is a silvery-black color. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***


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