Wired Earth

Wired Earth, LLC

  • 60mm Moonstone is a potassium aluminum silicate feldspar. The peach variety ranges from a tan brown to a very light peach/pink. This range in color is caused by higher contents of aluminum within the feldspar’s chemical make-up. Most of Peach Moonstone comes from Madagascar, with a majority of the material being crafted by the local craftsmen/women. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Aventurine is a part of the quartz family. This mineral ranges many colors; pink being the most rare of all the colors. This mineral is composed of quartz with many micro inclusions (such as mica) to create its beautiful appearance. The pink tone in it comes from the hematite in the mineral. This mineral is most commonly found in India but can also be found in Brazil, Austria, Canada, and Tanzania. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 5cm Wide Pink opal is formed by bubbling water near volcanic ash. It dissolves the silica and forms in nodules from volcanic activity. Most specimens contain pink opal mixed with minerals such as rhyolite. These beautiful specimens are only found in Peru and Australia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 4.5cm Wide Pink opal is formed by bubbling water near volcanic ash. It dissolves the silica and forms in nodules from volcanic activity. Most specimens contain pink opal mixed with minerals such as rhyolite. These beautiful specimens are only found in Peru and Australia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 10cm Tall Pink opal is formed by bubbling water near volcanic ash. It dissolves the silica and forms in nodules from volcanic activity. Most specimens contain pink opal mixed with minerals such as rhyolite. These beautiful specimens are only found in Peru and Australia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 8cm Tall Pink opal is formed by bubbling water near volcanic ash. It dissolves the silica and forms in nodules from volcanic activity. Most specimens contain pink opal mixed with minerals such as rhyolite. These beautiful specimens are only found in Peru and Australia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 5cm Wide Tourmaline is a complex family of minerals composed of aluminum borosilicate mixed with magnesium, iron or other metals. Tourmaline can come in a variety of colors depending on its proportion of these components. These colors are red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, black, or violet colors. This mineral can be found mainly in Brazil and many parts of Africa. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 9.5cm Tall Tourmaline is a complex family of minerals composed of aluminum borosilicate mixed with magnesium, iron or other metals. Tourmaline can come in a variety of colors depending on its proportion of these components. These colors are red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, black, or violet colors. This mineral can be found mainly in Brazil and many parts of Africa. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 7.5cm - 8.5cm Tall Tourmaline is a complex family of minerals composed of aluminum borosilicate mixed with magnesium, iron or other metals. Tourmaline can come in a variety of colors depending on its proportion of these components. These colors are red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue, black, or violet colors. This mineral can be found mainly in Brazil and many parts of Africa. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 8cm Tall Prehnite is a pale green to gray, glassy silicate mineral that contains calcium and aluminum. This mineral commonly lines cavities in igneous rocks. It also occurs as stalactite masses. Prehnite is a secondary or hydrothermal mineral and is often associated with zeolites. Prehnite has been found in Italy, Germany, France, Scotland, and New Jersey in the United States. Tourmaline most commonly occurs as an accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Well formed crystals of tourmaline can form in cavities and fractures during hydrothermal activity. ***Due to natural variations in stones, appearance will vary***
  • 10.5cm Long Fluorite is composed of fluorine and calcium and is formed in hydrothermal veins in the Earth's crust. This mineral can be found in all colors of the rainbow with different hues. The different colors in Fluorite are caused by impurities within the mineral. The deeper colors are found in well-formed crystals. Fluorite was originally discovered in Illinois in 1842 but is no longer mined in the US. It can be found in China, South Africa, Mongolia, France, and Russia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***
  • 11cm Wide Fluorite is composed of fluorine and calcium and is formed in hydrothermal veins in the Earth's crust. This mineral can be found in all colors of the rainbow with different hues. The different colors in Fluorite are caused by impurities within the mineral. The deeper colors are found in well-formed crystals. Fluorite was originally discovered in Illinois in 1842 but is no longer mined in the US. It can be found in China, South Africa, Mongolia, France, and Russia. ***Due to natural variations in stones, the appearance will vary***


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